When you choose a header preset, porto loads resources for that header only not other header presets.
Header Preset 1
Header Preset 2
Header Preset 3
Header Preset 4
Header Preset 5
Header Preset 6
Header Preset 7
Header Preset 8
Side header Preset 1
Side header Preset 2
Side header Preset 3
When you choose a header type, porto loads resources for that header type only not other header types.
Note: We recommend to use header builder presets instead of header types.
Header Type 1
Header Type 2
Header Type 3
Header Type 4
Header Type 5
Header Type 6
Header Type 7
Header Type 8
Header Type 9
Header Type 18
Header Type 19
Header Type 10
Header Type 11
Header Type 12
Header Type 13
Header Type 14
Header Type 15
Header Type 16
Header Type 17
Header Type Side